Hello my sweeties,
It's been a while. I've been SO sad. I want so much to hug you and see you. Remember NONE of this is your fault. If you ever get to see this, please pray often that we can see each other soon. This is really hard on me and Pop Pop. I hope you are keeping busy and are happy. I pray every day that you are well and are happy, along with your little brothers. I sure miss your mom too, and hope she is doing well. I long for the days when we can be a family again. Every time I go by your street, I hope for a glimpse of you.
When we go to Target or the grocery store, I look for your mom's van, hoping to get a glimpse of you.
We are getting ready to go to Virginia, to visit family, and we're taking Luna. What a great trip it would be if you girls could go too! We're going in our RV and I like to imagine how much fun you girls and Luna would have in our RV! I'm sure one day we can be together again! I just love you so much, my heart actually hurts from not seeing you!
I'm still working on a wonderful scrapbook, so you girls can see how I thought of you every day!
We love you more than chicken!
Love and hugs, Mom Mom and Pop Pop