Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'll Never Stop Loving You

Hello Girls,

I just know when you get a bit older and see this blog, you will find me and we will be reunited! Just know I think of you ALL the time, and miss you so much, I feel I will explode! I remember when I was your age... I ADORED my Mom Mom and would have been very angry if anyone separated us! I remember how you loved us and were so free with your hugs and kisses and "I love you, Mom Mom". I remember when you, Savannah asked if I was going to die one day, and how she cried at the answer. Telling you it was a long, long time away barely cheered you up! We were in Target and you clutched my hand and hugged me. I will never forget that. I remember how you begged me to never be far from you, asking us to move to California if you moved there. You girls and Luna are just the sweetest girls.

We're on out way to Tia's house! Have a wonderful Easter - I'm wishing I could see you! I will be having fun with Luna, and we all wish we could spend Easter together. Of course, one day I will share the photos with you!

I love you more than chicken AND chocolate!
Love, Mom Mom

1 comment:

Tammy Gary said...

What gorgeous pages! I am so glad I checked in to see you!
The challenges at 3S start April 1! I hope you will have a change to do some and comment! I am starting a new one I want you to join called Scrap Your Treasures. Be sure and look for it!
Hugz my Friend!